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E1M1 Remake

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-10-26 00:10:00
5 просмотров
a few. To install, just unzip the file to youre DOOM³/base directory, go to the console and type map e1m1 and away you go! Known issues... - A walk through wall... I am not sure how to sort this at all, I am working furiously on it and will sort it ASAP - No music. Now corrected! - Not really an issue but... I haven't textures some faces yet and will get round to that shortly, but it's just some things like window frames and under doors etc... Hope you enjoy the beta! OLIAX.
Hey guys! I'm proud to announce that the E1M1 Beta is ready for release! As this is the beta, there are a few bugs to squash and things to do, and the author is already working on them and solved
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