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UAC Franchise 666

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-12-22 00:12:00
6 просмотров
in charge of the mission. Your whole squad was KIA during the mission, and you barely made it out alive. Your punishment for punching out the lieutenant, after you returned to base, was a choice between the stockade, or volunteering for a Mars mission that nobody ever came back from. The UAC was conducting secret research on Mars and the small franchise 666 facility was the end of the line for tired old dogs of war like you. You decided, \"screw these bastards, I\'ll take as many of them out as I can. I\'d rather go out fighting, get busy living or get busy dying and it\'s a good day to die!\". --------- Notes: --------- This is my first attempt at mapping for a game. I\'m learning as I go so bear with me. I would like to hear your ideas and opinions about my maps. All maps were created with the vanilla Doom 3 editor. I have 1 more map in development for the rest of this pack, it is the final \"hell\" level. Hopefully the next release will be the final version of this map.
You are a highly decorated, combat tested marine, who just happens to have a problem with authority. Your last mission went badly because of the dumb-ass, green-horn, college-boy lieutenant who was
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