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Doom Realism

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-10-13 22:10:00
9 просмотров
this, We currently have about 10 members, and by the time you play this mod, we should have even more! The biggest Feature of this version is that EVERY SP LEVEL in the ENTIRE game has been CHANGED!!!!! These Levels now have MORE MONSTERS and WEPONS, and the gameplay is COMPLETELY different than on regular D3...This Mod is based on one thing....ACTION!!! You will now go through the levels fighting for your life the ENTIRE TIME! The strength of monsters, and power of your weapons have also been altered to allow a much more intense and realistic experience!!!!! It is advised to use quicksave a lot, because this mod is truly difficult.... This version will give you a small peak at what to expect to see in the new sp campaign we will be adding in the future...One noticeable difference between our campaign, and the current one, however, is that ours will be squad based.....The intense combat will be similar though!!!! This Version also includes Two NEW monsters that do not replace ANY Current monsters...They are the Spectre, and the Nightmare Imp (The Spectre has been included into the upgraded, regular SP maps in this mod). I hope that you will all enjoy seeing them in action as much as I do!! Also, to everyone who has been worried that this Mod is not balanced, DON\"T BE! You might have more powerfull weapons now, but the enemies (ALL OF THEM!!!!) are more powerful now...And some (Such as the mancubus and Hellknight) even have more HP! Overall, this mod makes the Doom3 gameplay MUCH faster, and more intense... You must use all your skill to avoid taking damage, while making precise aimming... The only game I can compare this mod to is Call of duty on the vetran difficulty, whith the exception that I HAVE NOT removed the med packs in this mod....
This is Version 0.6 of the ever growing Doom 3 Realism Mod (We will be changing the name soon). With this release, the mod has grown bigger than ever, and I am slowly forming a team! As I Write
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