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BHM COOL shaders

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-08-30 22:08:00
11 просмотров
specular and reflections very, very enhanced and pushed up !!! Note... Do not confuse with the BHNG mod also originally made by Maha-X and constantly updated by me, both are based on the same techniques but with some very important changes, so i decided to update both on a different mod everyone. Cool Shaders require an ATI or NVidia gfx card with OpenGL v2.0 or higher. Very Special Thanks to all this great people...: This mod uses amazing Dispersion & Chromatic effect thanks to TheRealSceneGraphManager ! This mod uses best fixes for Dispersion & Chromatic shaders by Langenscheiss !!! This mod uses awesome Brilliant Highlights latest new techniques thanks to Maha-X ! This mod uses brilliant Green Bar fix thanks to Langenscheiss !
==================== Brilliant highlights COOL mod by Maha-X ==================== A modified shader for Doom 3 and RoE that updates Doom's graphics to a more modern day level. NEW awesome
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