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GoW-style Blood Spatter

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-01-14 23:01:00
3 просмотра
\"...Damn, how cool would [u]that[/u] look if it were in Doom??\" Well, now you don\'t have to wonder, TheRealSceneGraphManager has taken it upon himself to answer the question! The GoW-style Blood Spatter mod is designed to give you the identical blood spatter that is found in [i]Gears of War[/i], and since Doom does a similar thing when you get hit, the developer figured he\'d take the ball that ID dropped and run with it. So, after a bit of tweaking and fiddling, the result is ready for you to download! Unfortunately, there is no spatter from you shooting or chainsawing enemies at close range; TheRealSceneGraphManager also stated that the imp getting shotgunned was thrown in because it looked really badass, not because it demonstrated how you can get blood n\' guts on your face in close quarters. Refer to the readme for more information.
How many of you have played [i]Gears of War[/i], or have been over to a buddy\'s house and watched him play? If you have, you may have noticed some of the effects used in the game, and thought
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