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Добавил: The DSystem
2008-01-08 23:01:00
10 просмотров
developers do what they do because they merely have the know-how and some time on their hands...some do it to add new instances or content to the game...and some do it to improve what is already there; The latter is the reason behind this mod, because TheRealSceneGraphManager didn\'t like the blood decal that is present in this game, he set out to fix it his way... What exactly does the ShinyBluds mod do? It allows the blood in the game to reflect the enviroment; In the words of the developer: [i]\"It\'s a bit of a cheap hack, i.e. I merely apply a masked cubemap to the decals, but it looks pretty damn good as is.\"[/i] There are a few problems with it, in particular the fact that there will still be visible highlights even in the dark, even still, this mod adds a bit of realism to your game...it\'s tthe little things that make a lasting impression. Refer to the readme for more information.
TheRealSceneGraphManager has returned to juice up the look of your Doom III gaming experience! If you think the blood splatter in your stock Doom universe, then have we got a mod for you; Some
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