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Doom III
Ryan's DOOM 3 Mod Pak File

Ryan's DOOM 3 Mod Pak File

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-10-09 22:10:00
8 просмотров
Console now responds to tilde key being pressed instead of requiring 3-key combination. * Cyberdemon fight and Caseon PDA fixed. * Players and entities do not gib with any weapons. * Bodies do not vaporize. * Weapon sounds for Pistol, Shotgun, Machinegun and Chaingun are changed (including monsters.) * Player now bleeds. * Pistol grip is now green. * Player shadow is now displayed correctly like in multiplayer. # * Game is bloodier in general (more blood.) * Player jump/land/pain/disorientation/step sounds are changed. * Chaingun takes about a second to wind up now to ensure full wind up sound is played. * Keycard sound is now an official DOOM 3 sound. * Menu theme is now 128kbps; secondary theme mirrors main theme now. * "idlogo" RoQ movie intro replaced with updated intro. * Several door sounds changed. * GUI sounds changed. * Low ammo sound removed. * Chaingun motor loop sound removed. * Swinging light sound changed. * World flashlight projection changed. * Rocket Launcher fire sound changed. * Grenade selection/activate/bounce sounds changed. * Shotgun clip changed to 5 shells. * Shotgun reload rate changed to 1 shell. * Low ammo for Shotgun changed to 1 shell. * Serial information added to Machinegun skin. * Weapon/reactive/step sounds changed for the following monsters: -- Thin Zombie/Scientist Zombie -- Fat Zombie -- Commando Zombie (both types) -- Imp -- Hell Knight[/quote]
[quote]This pak file addresses a number of problems (at least I think so) in DOOM 3, most notably the sound effects for monsters and weapons.[/quote] Now, a more thorough description: [quote]*
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