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Doom III
Single Player
Denton's SDK-Based Enhancement

Denton's SDK-Based Enhancement

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-12-28 23:12:00
6 просмотров
dramatically improve single player experience, still does not change the way doom3 was meant to be played. More importantly, this mod does not cause a drop down in frame rate. Rather than introducing bunch of new stuff like alternate fire modes for weapons etc, I have made an effort to polish the original game elements themselves, like, Stereo surround sounds for weapons, tweaked physics behaviour with physics sounds, bodies and objects react realistically to explosions and projectiles, new better looking and high performance particle effects, etc. It also includes super shotgun from Resurrection of Evil along with the support for upto 32 weapons. This mods plays like original game, without increasing the weapons' damages or changing any other gameplay elements. I believe, doom 3 has a state of the art game engine, which has not been put to best possible use. Neither, I claim that I had done it. Although,I have made an effort towards it. I dont intend to change/introduce new skins, bump mapping etc, for mainly two reasons, first, the original art work is perfectly balanced for quality and performance and sencondly, I am more of a programmer than an artist. This mod includes Doom 3 Ultra Quality Tweak by compguru76, which will let you play Doom3 at better frame rates at ultra quality or high quality. The tweak is part of the mod so you dont have to change anything. For whom this mod is useful? - If you are playing Doom 3 for the first time or going for the second run, dont play it without this mod. - If you have downloaded any of the community made single player maps then this mod is for you. - If you are a developer of a single player map you can integrate this mod readily. - If you wish to add your own weapon to doom 3 in a hassle free way, then use this mod. - Any modder who wishes to utilize the new SDK features, can find this mod useful.
This mod is comprised of SDK enhancements that introduce some new features that were previously not supported by the game, along with various new audio visual enhancements, which although
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