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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Enhanced Firepower

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-08-21 22:08:00
6 просмотров
increased -only explosive/large projectile weapons and chainsaw cause gibs -each weapon modified -fists have more reach 50 instead of 48 and does 25 damage instead of 20 -pisol has flashlight but weaker 10 damage instead of 14, smaller clip 10rnds instead of 12, slower Rate Of Fire 0.5 instead of 0.4, new skin and sound -shotgun does 40 damage instead of 14, larger clip 20rnds instead of 8, ROF is now 2.333 instead of 1.333, 30 projectiles per cartridge instead of 13, projectile spread of 8 instead of 13, new skin and sound -machine gun does 8 damage instead of 9, larger clip 140rnds instead of 60, no change to ROF but launches 2 projectiles instead of 1, projectile spread of 2 instead of 1, new skin and sound -chaingun does 15 damage instead of 20, larger clip 500 instead of 60, no change to ROF or projectiles, new skin -plasmagun no change to damage, larger clip 75 instead of 50, no change to ROF or number of projectiles, spread of projectile 1 instead of 0 -BFG does 500 damage instead of 200, smaler clip 2 instead of 4, nochange to ROF or projectiles -rocket launcher does 200 damage instead of 170, smaller clip 2 instead of 5, no change to ROF or projectiles -grenades splash does 250 damage instead of 150, new skin -chainsaw does more damage, new skin -soulcube has no changes
-new weapon skins -new weapon sounds -removed flashlights from weapons except pistol -renamed ammo names and changed amount picked up to higher amounts -each weapons flash and push values
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