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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2009-03-14 23:03:00
17 просмотров
revamped version...this bundle of [b]Doom III[/b] goodness comes packed with bonus material as well as updates! With this version, you can destroy more irratating and annoying baddies! Also, with this update, you can now play it in [b]Doom III[/b] [u]and[/u] [b]RoE[/b]! But that's not all, this updated file also comes with a second ubar_shoti pack dubed: ubar_shoti2.pk4...this one contains more sounds. Basically, its mixed sounds from the shotgun with the super shotgun. [b]Some of the new features include:[/b] Higher quality sound effects. Some sounds are different. Added tracer fire. (not included in Ubar_shoti2 and Ubar_shoti2_d3) Added dry fire sound. (not included in Ubar_shoti2 and Ubar_shoti2_d3) When you're in in a fire-fight with some nasty D3 or RoE baddies, and, from a fair distance, you're popping them off while staining the walls and floors with what you can only assume is their entrails, when you notice that, due to their numbers, they are getting closer...As the only weapon you have that is with ample ammo is the shotgun, you're last thought before being overrun is that of having two shotguns may have saved your bacon! If this, or anything close to it has ever happened to you, then UBAR SHOTI 2 is something that you definitely want to download! Slade EXE has dusted off the cobwebs and has devised a solution for this kind of predicament, and this is the result of his work. Once you have installed this Mod, you'll notice a new, mean looking weapon in your hands...your double-barrel shotgun will act like an over-and-under double-barrel shotgun; In short, this Mod will allow you to fire twice before needing to reload! Effectively doubling your damage potential! The fact that you can fire four shots before needing to reload is sweet enough, but it is not all that UBAR SHOTI 2 gives you...you will also get a sharp new black leather grip skin to go with your new deadly weapon and new weapon sounds; If you think that is all, you're wrong...this Mod also comes with a new sounds! If this sounds good to you, then start your download now... Refer to the readme for additional information.
Marking his return to [b]D3Files[/b] after almost a year in the shadows, Slade EXE is here to provide you with his latest and greatest release! UBAR SHOTI 2 is more then you would expect from a
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