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Ultimate Tweak Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-11-25 23:11:00
9 просмотров
Doom 3 specificiations - New readme - New help file - binds added to tweak without copy paste - New advanced installer with openGL tweak and shortcut in startprogram's - Better help function (notice the "?" in right corners) - New tweaks - against motion sickness - New lodbias settings - tweak that removes the 60 fps limit - new shadow tweak - Internet tweak - added information in tweak file - More msgboxes for an easy use of the tweak - Better pre made config files for the pre made config - New look with better names for the tweaks - New Files - New openGL interaction.vfp file - New howto file, made for dummies[/quote]
[quote]Hi! I decided to post my final tweak,this would be my last tweak, if I can't find any other tweaks. changelog --------------- New things in program - New debug at start up - New
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