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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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First Contact Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-10-29 23:10:00
6 просмотров
gamer, some of the changes this mod will make are: Default Scavenger rifle replaced by Pulse Phaser gun. Added First Contact crew RPG-X skins. Nemesis phaser rifle replaced by the First Contact phaser rifle. [b]Developer\'s Note: If you place the file into the RPG-X folder, the mod will have effect on all servers you join, even when they haven\'t this mod installed. And if you are running a server yourself, remove the file from RPG-X because if you don\'t, you won\'t be compatible with clients that don\'t have this mod. [/b] Refer to the readme for more details and installation instructions
This is a mod for RPG-X that adds skins for RPG-X and changes the era from post-Nemesis to First Contact / Iinsurrection. The [b]First Contact Mod[/b] is a must have for every [i]Elite Force[/i]
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