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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Elite Force Revisited

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-04-21 22:04:00
10 просмотров
made to look like Enterprise E with all the new textures. Also most of the sounds have been changed from the old and somewhat boring original to new and fresh sounds. When you first load the game you will immediately notice there is a new loading screen. After that you will end up in the main menu. Scroll through the weapons listing and notice how all weapons are changed to look more realistic. Load one of the maps made by Raven and check it out. Almost all the textures have been changed. I kind of like the way it looks now. You'll have to admit, the grey-ish textures were a little boring to say the least. All the crewmembers have been given a new uniform. Like the ones from the episode "Endgame". Of course the hazard team members haven't been forgotten in this clothing change festivity, they have been given a new uniform like the ones from EF2. Of course when changing textures to a map means all the levelshots are outdates so the author took a few moments and created new levelshots. Also when spawning you normally get the transporter effect. This also has been changed to a new one. I myself preferred the old one better but then again, I have no taste :p . Now this new tricorder model is really cool. It's like the one from EF2 but they're not exactly the same. This sure beats the old one. Take a look at the screenshots and give this baby a download!
Basically this mod changes a lot of the original Raven textures and sounds, almost all for the better. The new textures really do look high resolution which is always a good thing. Voyager is kind of
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