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Scooter's Canon Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-03-15 23:03:00
10 просмотров
of Elite Force. As with the previous version; a great many textures have been replaced and improved upon, and of course the Hazard Team no longer adorn the Hazard Suits - instead they have the correct Uniform that suits the era. This download however contains many more new, high resolution, textures. Scooter notes that this includes the majority of textures used in the maps ctf_voy1 and ctf_voy2. The stock version of Elite Force most definitely has a lot to be desired in terms of how it looks, although, this file most definitely makes an improvement and comes to you highly recommend by us. See the readme for much more detailed information and installation instructions. ~AdmiralHocking Video Review by
After a year and a half, Scooter returns with an EFFiles Exclusive! Despite discontinuing development - Scooter's Canon Mod Version 0.4 is the newest installment of his genuinely stunning overhaul
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