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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Colt Anaconda

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-04-16 22:04:00
6 просмотров
chest. If you want to stop a madman or purse snatcher dead in his track, this is the gun you want. Powerful recoil...as powerful as a Desert Eagle .357 Magnum? Hell yes! The Eagle has a dampened recoil system, but the Anaconda wants to sprain your wrist just as much. And usually gets its wish. This is just what you need to take out that annoying ferrengi salesman around the corner. Or to cripple the Collective. Dont think the Borg can adapt to this thing...it has remodulating bullets! Ok, well not that but it has some mean hollowpoint slugs that will enter your victims flesh, hit the bone and break up into tiny fragments of metal, causing massive tissue damage. Sounds great huh!? [/quote]
Authors Description: [quote]This is a model I made of a Colt Anaconda .357 Magnum. This 6 shot revolver packs a punch strong enough to knock the average man off his feet with one shot to his
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