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Halo 2 Weapons Preview

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-10-19 22:10:00
16 просмотров
showing some great promise. The model quality is good, but it still has a long way to go before it becomes the finished product. I didn\'t really care for much of the weaponry aside from the Plasma Pistol (Man, is that thing cool!) I only really liked the sounds on the plasma pistol. The rifle was the same as the Federation Phaser Rifle and the Sub-Machine Gun firing rate sounds similar to a drum roll on a snare. Overall, a very good push toward a new scheme for Elite Force. Keep up the good work, I look forward to the finished package. Cheers, ObviouslyAGenius
Oh, gee. It appears I made a mistake in posting this earlier. My apologies! I did have a larger review earlier, but I\'ll try to condense this. The weapons modification, in it\'s early stage, is
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