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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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TOS Weapons Mod 2

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-02-08 23:02:00
12 просмотров
only 14 MB, this mod takes you back to the original Star Trek nostalgia, the one with which it all began. It offers a total of 12 new weapons. All the weapons are based upon those seen in the original Star Trek television show. New weapon effects have been added to make it more realistic. The first thing you will notice is the stun setting on the phaser. It freezes the player for a couple of seconds, just enough time to get the hell out of there :) Check the readme for a list of the other weapons. More realistic weapons can also be found, Colt .45 and a machinegun. Never noticed them before, guess they must be from one of Kirks many time travel missions. Every original model has been replaced with a new custom model. The detpack has been replaced with a device which emits some kind of radiation. Once getting infected with the radiation, your screen will go blurry and the walk keys have been switched which prevents the player from walking in a straight line :) You'll notice when going through a transporter that the blue effect has been changed with the original gold effect. Another addition is the tricorder which strips the color codes from the players in "realtime", nice! When switching name, the tricorder can't identify the player who changed his name until the person who holds the tricorder switches to another weapon and back again. The Borg are transformed into miniature beings. Very fun to play with miniature models! Apparently a whole scaling system has been placed to define the characters height. Spacestation K7 created more skins which are worthy of being checked out. Download them, invite some friends, have a TOS party and get drunk :P Be sure to check this out. We will probably be seeing this mod on servers!
When first loading the mod I thought "Sigh, yet another weapon mod", I soon came to realise that I was wrong. This mod is so much fun! I had such a great time playing this wonderful mod. Weighing
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