As best I can tell, this gave me improved troopers, but it seemed to upset the balance ever so slightly. Although I do agree that the rate of fire for troopers in EaW is a bit too slow, beefing
First off, you need [file=\"104755\"]Return of the Clones 5.2[/file]. Second, I currently don\'t have a steady internet connection while I\'m on vacation, so I can\'t download RotC 5.2. Since the xml
When I first opened this map I said to myself \"Another uncompleted map with missing AI teams\". Then, after reading the readme, I realized what was going on and realized that this is a new and
Aqfitz has a brand new version of his Imperial Training map for you to enjoy. Using Yoden\'s prop pack the author has made the map much more interesting such as a Imperial Star Destroyer hovering
Warb bring us once again another wonderful model and skin. This time it is the Republic Dreadnought; a heavy starship from the Old Republic era. As usual Warb has included some basic XML code and an
lombardi456 brings us his first mod ever. Although it is basic it might prove useful to those who love Thrawn. This mod essentially just upgrade\'s Thrawn\'s ship with a larger overall size, more
I don't have many memories of Ord Mantell. Although I remember a mission there during my time at the [url=""]Jedi Academy[/url], my fond memories come from when I was
I\'ve made it no secret that I have an affinity for Command and Conquer. The originals more so than the newer ones. So this mod made me really excited. After playing it, still just as excited.
Another first map. IN SPACE! DUN DUN DUN! It\'s action packed, although the rebels are grossly out gunned and can easily be destroyed at the start on any difficulty. The real challenge is winning
An unofficial patch, eh? Rarely do we get users with such initiative to fix up others work while it's still be progressed on (we assume). Some formatting errors in the XML were giving users trouble.