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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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3-Way Battle

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-01-05 23:01:00
2 просмотра
is a good use of props and mines have been strategically placed on the map. However, you start out with a line of Mon Calamari Cruisers, Imperial Class Star Destroyers, or Kedalbe Battleships. The Consortium is at a disadvantage, for they have fewer ships than the other factions. Moving onto other aspects of the map, Wargtv did not use the multiplayer team markers, meaning that you can't mix and match factions easily. This map also comes with some XML edits that make ships cheaper and more powerful. If you use this, you will not be able to play online with other players that aren't running this mod.
3-Way Battle v2.0 is a space skirmish map and mod for Forces of Corruption (not standard Empire at War) by Wargtv. In this map, it's your typical space battle with three different factions. There
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