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Arctic Legends: Ilum

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-04-14 22:04:00
8 просмотров
stock EaW version. Each map will have a Skirmish release as well as as a GC version. (Ilum's coming soon) The general layout of the map: A large mountain rises in the middle, with a base on either side. Near the top lies an abandoned Sensor Array, which can be accessed only be infantry. An abandoned Turbolaser also rests at the mountains foot, halfway between the two bases (See screenshots for more). This map is designed for only 2 teams, but there are multiple attack routes and deadly maneuvring surprises to keep it lively. The AI has been zoned and tested for this map, so the enemey will not simply lay idle in his base, but will be active and build up forces and seek you out. I recomend playing on Medium or Hard difficulty, as this will maximize the AIs interaction as well as your fun factor. if you like what you see, have any map requests, or CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, contact [the creator] at: http://empireatwar.filefront.com
Arctic Legends: Ilum is the first installment in a series of maps I have entitled Legends, depicting interesting and unusual planets in the Star Wars Galaxy, or planets which I have remapped from the
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