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[DS]: Half-Life Server

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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Battle for Earth

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-06-21 00:06:00
8 просмотров
and give both sides two level 5 space stations. In the last map, there was a large battle; in this map, i decided to scatter many destroyed units through out the map and put ten mining facilities in the center. This is much different from my last one. I also made it big enough to handle very large ships from various mods; but the only problem with those is they are unable to pass through the defense satelites around the space stations rendering them useless to an enemy station unless that ship can attack from a distcance. If not running a mod, then ALL ships can fit through the satelites. As an example, the Star Destroyer + Mon Callamari can get through the satelites; but from a mod like the CIS V.5, the Sovereign Super Star Destroyer and the NRS Mediator plus ships that are very long and/or large are unable to pass through the satelites.
Description: This is a large space map for regular EaW that takes place over our home planet, Earth; this is the second version from Battle for Planet Earth. I decided to change the map around
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