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Bounty Hunter

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-07-15 22:07:00
3 просмотра
compound. While sailing through the galaxy the infamous bounty hunters IG-88, Boba Fett, and Bossk were alerted that there had just been a large bounty put on Kyle Kataran's head and rumour was he was en route to an Imperial Compound. The three bounty hunters wound up together in the woods, and decided to band together. (Totally unlikely I Know!) Unknown to neither the Imperials or the Bounty Hunters there was a camp of Mandalorians cited next to the Imperial compound. An Imperial Prison Compound is housed on an unknown planet where an important transfer is taking place, a transfer of prisoners. There are Mandalorains about the land somewhere near the Compound. The Imperials placed their base here seeing as it was strategically surrounded by a lake which is surrounded by mountains. Clearly they didn't know others had already settled!
Storyline A small quaint planet of which the name is known to no one (I Couldn't Think of One) an Imperial Base lies. Having recently captured Kyle Kataran the Imperials are bringing him to their
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