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Corellian Storm 2

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-06-22 22:06:00
4 просмотра
for proper nouns later in the description.) The storm has moved eastward from Coronet and hit an imperial base on a ridge near a river. It is in the middle of a forest The empire:Unbeknownst to them there is a rebel base and it is jamming their communications. They discovered the coordinates or the base. They must get to the rebel base so they can let their transports know if it is safe to land. If they can get to the rebels then they can get their supplies in. The rebels: You have discovered the imperial outpost on the ridge and you are attempting to destroy it. Find a way to destroy it so you can leave the flooding banks of the river without being terminated. Aaaaaand to both sides: There is a Mining facitity near the bridge to the north.
This is not a different version of my "Corellian Storm". It is a continuation of the first one. This is Corellian Storm 2.(Im bored of having to continuously press shift so I dont have bad grammar
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