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Downfall of a Droid

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-08-09 22:08:00
6 просмотров
splits the map with a team on each side of it. The asteroid field has several mining facilities in it, which put them in the center of the fray. None of the mines are close enough to be attacked by the bases, but the ones in the middle are quite close and hard for either team to defend or attack. I think this adds a nice dynamic that is often tried, but rarely done well. The rest of the map has some nice open areas that are well suited for amassing fleets and/or large battles. There are some sensor nodes and merchant space docks in the corners for any team that wishes to divert some forces to capturing them. The map was made with Clone Wars in mind, although I test all maps with vanilla EAW/FOC to make sure it'll work for anyone. The author did his testing with [file="100951"]Return of the Clones Mod[/file], I would also recommend trying it with [file="100396"]The Clone Wars Mod[/file]. They are both wonderful mods and really just comes down to personal preference. [quote] I decided to make the map from the 6th Episode of the Animated Clone Wars Series: Downfall of a Droid. I have to improve it a little, I'm not really satisfied with it. The Asteroid field around Bothawui is thin or at least not thick so you can drive through your ships without serious damage(like Grievous did). I mostly tested this map with the "Return of the Clones" mod. This is why you see Republic and Separatist Ships on the Screenshots. I did not use any material from that mod. If you install this map for your regural FoC and have RotC, you can play it as the Republic or Separatists.(I had more fun playing in the Clone Wars era:D) [/quote] the_stag
Having never seen the Animated Clone Wars TV series, I'm familiar with the reference this map makes. Regardless, this was a very enjoyable and well done map. There is an curved asteroid field that
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