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Dune Sea

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-01-05 23:01:00
25 просмотров
available to mappers in the map editor. He has used a nice variety of textures all over the map and has some nice props. Moving onto gameplay, there are some tight valleys that make artillery very useful for saturation fire. Any army marching through these valleys should bring some anti-air for enemy bombing runs, since there isn't much maneuvering room. There is only one small nit-pick with this map. On some of the hills, the textures are all stretched and unrecognizable due to a directional error. Otherwise, this map is as close as you get to perfect these days! Try this map out now! :P
Dune Sea is a ground skirmish map for Forces of Corruption (not standard Empire at War) by alx438. Overall, this map is nicely done! Alx has made good use of the height tool and the dust effects
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