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Empire at War
Enceladus, the icy moon of Saturn

Enceladus, the icy moon of Saturn

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-08-13 22:08:00
4 просмотра
neither team starts off with many units, they do start off with several processors which equates to many credits. Keeping those well defended is a high priority. This isn't my cup of tea, I prefer a larger map with a small or non-existent starting force and many areas to explore. But many of you will enjoy this more than my style of map. [quote] any way i got tired of making space maps and i wanted to take a break from modding so i decided early this morning to make my first land map so i did... i wanted to do a snow planet (or in this case a moon) because i thought it would be a little easier than a forest. i first thought hoth but that's been done to death so i decided on a moon that was in our own solar system. to my surprise when i googled "Saturn's icy moons" did i happen to come across one i thought was familiar >.> so the name Enceladus stuck. i used an edited version of the rebel mobile shield generator in this map so i included the xml file's for anyone who hasn't downloaded my mod so that way the map will be the way i wanted it. and. ps i could crop the screen shots for some reason [/quote] the_stag
I don't know why anyone would want the icy moon of Saturn, but to each their own. This is a nicely done symmetrical map. Each team starts off with a lot and it keeps busy from the start. Although
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