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Endor Attack

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-01-05 23:01:00
10 просмотров
view displayed nothing on the map. Going in for a closer look, I saw that most of the map was empty. What you have on the map are two fleets, two stations, the Death Star, and a grand total of three asteroids. Blank maps usually aren't very fun and when you have no mines or player markers on the map at all, that reduces the playability quite a bit. The creator needs to look at the documentation that came with the map editor. This will inform him of what each map needs and some aesthetic qualities that you usually see on maps.
Endor Attack (Space) is a space skirmish map for Empire at War meant to be used with A Galaxy Divided V3. When I first loaded up the map and took an overhead look, I was confused. The overhead
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