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Empire at War
Galactic Battlegrounds Mappack

Galactic Battlegrounds Mappack

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-08-06 00:08:00
6 просмотров
of maps:[/u] [quote]Storylines- 'Unfamiliar' Planets- Aereen- The dry moon of Krant, a Rebel cell must fight for survival against an Imperial battalion. Alaris Prime- The Wookie colony is under attack by an Imperial Force of unknown strength. A Rebel cell was near the Kashyyyk system and managed to land after a monster space battle. Eredenn- Once the weapons test planet of the Old Republic, then later taken over by the Empire, the Imperial garrison must drive back some Rebel saboteurs who wish to steal technology. (Space- Simulator SSD faction conversion mirror) Geddes- A dry but mineral-rich asteroid in orbit above Krant, this was home to the mysterious Vor'Na'Tu artifact and a secret Sith temple. After destroying it, Master Echuu Shen-Jon was destroyed at the hands of Vader. Fight your way out of the place or be annihalated. Hanoon- Once known as Geddes, this verdant planet was terraformed by Moff Yittreas. Use the stolen Imperial techmology against them in an interesting match. Reytha- 'The Breadbasket of the Empire' The local garrison has defected to the Alliance. Wipe them out, though it will regrettably mean destruction of Imperial tech. Do not allow any to escape. Sarapin- In space, Rebels fight to disable the powerful defense grid of Sarapin, a lava planet rigged for energy mining. Once on the surface, disrupt any mining by taking over the facilities. Zaloriis- The population has defected to the Alliance. Take Blizzard Force and wipe the nascent Rebellion off the planet. 'Familiar' Planets- Bespin- Take control of a mining platform with a legion of Darktrooper droids. This will make for interesting urban warfare. Coruscant- Not surprisingly, rumors of a cell of Rebellion have been intercepted via Delta Source. Investigate through the streets. (Space- take over the skies in an interpretation of the battle in 'Wedges' Gamble' by Michael A. Stackpole) Dagobah- Duke it out in a plain once held by the Sith during the Sith war. Turbolasers left over might be useful. Darkside energies amplify units, especially heroes (you will see what I mean ;)). Endor- Hunt down and eliminate the remainder of the Imperial units left from the battle. Hoth- Take Blizzard Force down on the Rebel Scum and destroy their transports. Kashyyyk- Repel Imperial invaders in a forest battle filled with bunexpected stuff. Kessel- Fight to free prisoners from the mines and try to deplete the Imperial garrison stationed there. Naboo- Attempt to liberate a small city from corrupted units and Imperial might. Tatooine- Shut down the old Arnthout droid factories. The Consortium has restructored them to produce MKII droidekas. Yavin 4- Crush the Rebellion's holding on the planet and take out their heroes. [/quote] ~Scorpinox
This is a mappack for FoC, but the consortium is only in a few of the maps. There are 36 maps, half land, half space, all based off of the maps in Galactic battlegrounds. [u]Authors description
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