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Empire at War
Hutts vs Black Sun Pirates

Hutts vs Black Sun Pirates

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-07-08 22:07:00
4 просмотра
as the Empire. There's a raging space battle going on in the center of the map between the Empire, the Rebellion, and those other guys (Zann). It's kind of pointless though, because there is nothing of value where this battle is. The strange thing was that if depending which team to pick, you have two of their capital ships (Mon Calamari Cruisers or Star Destroyers) in the middle of this giant battle. It threw me off to have a level 5 rebel base attacking my cruisers while I tried to get them out of the battle and save them for later. And since all you get is a pirate asteroid base and the default ships that come with it, every little thing helps. I don't know if the capital ships are supposed to be the way they are or not, but the Empire has some big problems on this map. When I played as the Rebellion the Star Destroyers didn't have any shields, and were too easy to destroy. Even wore than that though, is when I played as the Empire, everything I started out with was at full shields, but half hull. My Star Destroyer went down rather quickly and it took all the money in my bank to repair my asteroids. All in all, this is an interesting idea, but it would be better suited to make into a mod with a pirate faction (which there are a couple already out and at least one I know of currently in production). [quote] well, i guess this goes along with our weekly pole of adding new factions. this map doesnt exactly do that, but it sort of does. instead of playing as the reb, imp and con forces in a space skirmish, youre playing as the other guys. the concept is simple, really. it doesnt add anything new, you just see the battlefield from a different point of view. i know a lot of you will be saying "how do i play as hutts or pirates, all i see are reb imp and con in the skirmish menu?" its supposed to be that way. if you would like to play as pirates then be the empire, if you would like to play as hutts then be rebs. sorry, cons not supported, but i am considering it in a possible sequel. there should be screenies this time! [/quote] the_stag
This is certainly a different idea for a map. If you start as the Rebels, you get two bases of three asteroids in two corners of the map (too many numbers?). And you get the same thing if you start
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