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Empire at War
(JEM)Battle For Zanbai 7 Part 1

(JEM)Battle For Zanbai 7 Part 1

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-07-31 22:07:00
4 просмотра
proof we have brought you a SSD class ship.(Rebel Admiral)We're sending the Unity to escort you planet-side.(Captain Of The Unity)Admiral we're detecting energy from their fleet.*BOOM*(Moff Falast)We've lost the Unity! ITS A TRICK!! Scramble fighters!(Rebel Admiral)We'll need assisstance to fight off these imperial forces.(Rebel Radar Manager)SIR!! Multiple ships coming out of hyperspace at 7.09(Tyber Zann)Rebels we've come to assisst since you're helping supply our base here. And it looks like Bossk and IG-88 are with the empire.(You) we must destroy those stations to get planet side. (Rebel)SENDING TRANSMISSION:(You)Unidentified ships state your buissness in rebel controlled space or you will be fired upon.(Imperial General)We are wishing to defect from the empire, as proof we have brought you a SSD class ship.(You)We're sending the Unity to support you in.(Captain Of The Unity)Admiral we're detecting energy coming from their fleet.*BOOM*(Moff Falast)We've lost the Unity! ITS A TRICK!! Scramble fighters!(You)We'll need assisstance to fight off these imperial forces.(Rebel Radar Manager)SIR!! Multiple ships coming out of hyperspace at 7.09 (Tyber Zann)Rebels we've come to assisst since you helping supply our base here. And it looks like Bossk and IG-88 are with the empire.(You) We must defend all our stations. Backround: The name of the ground area(part 2 map) was not origionally named Zanbai 7. The area was where the Twi'leks first launched into space. When they got into space they saw a massive black hole and named it Zanbai 7, or in their language 7th Great Wonder. Upon return of their ship to the surface they renamed the launch site area Zanbai 7 after the great black hole in orbit, which is now a great wonder of the galaxy. Misc: -This was posted AFTER part 2 because when part 2 was done i was still working on this -You cant use this map in anyway(mods,edit,remix,redistribute,etc) without my permission -Message me on xfire(tcalpha) if you want to know how i made the giant black hole like it is,or ask me how i made the palace in part 2 -Message me(xfire) if you want me to continue this series or make one you want
Story: (Empire)INCOMING TRANSMISSION: (Rebel Admiral)Unidentified ships state your buissness in rebel controlled space or you will be fired upon.(You)We are wishing to defect from the empire, as
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