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Empire at War
(JEM)Battle For Zanbai 7 Part 2

(JEM)Battle For Zanbai 7 Part 2

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-07-29 22:07:00
1 просмотр
defenses. It looks like Bossk and IG-88 were telling the truth. Tyber,Urai and Silri have joined with the rebels against us. Boba persuaded Bossk and IG-88 to join us to gain information and win this battle. Misc. -As said in story Bossk and IG-88 are with the emps and the others are with the rebs. I basically took the con heroes and changed the sides. So if you play as rebels you can control tyber,urai and silri, same with emp but with bossk and ig-88. -In the town at the south-east corner there are buildings in the shape of a human(no reason) -The palace(beside main rebel base at north part of map)is not all one object so if i give you permission to edit this map(you need permission to do anything with it) then you'll need to get rid of alot if you want to get rid of the palace Backround: This small area(map) was named Lichinian and was where the local twi'leks 1st launched into space. In space they found a giant black hole(seen on part 1 and is one of the great wonders of the galaxy) and called it Zanbai 7. When they returned they renamed the launchsite Zanbai 7 after the great black hole they found.
Map Story: (Rebels)The empire has broken through our space defenses and are attempting to destroy our stronghold here. Don't let them General. (Empire)We have broken through the enemy space
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