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Empire at War
(JEM)Fate Of Thyferra Part 1

(JEM)Fate Of Thyferra Part 1

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-07-27 22:07:00
4 просмотра
Jurassic park map and I give credit to who made it (no name listed since a lot of people say they made it). There are some changes to the map. Overall Story: You have gained intelligence that the emps are evacuating all forces from thyferra. You think you have gained victory but you wonder why they would leave. As soon as you find out about the evacutaion, a message is transmitted to you. It seems the emps have sent the proto-type Death Star(this is before episode 4) with a large imperial fleet to remove thyferra from the galaxy after they send a strike force to recover some stolen supplies from the planet surface. Map Story: (Rebel)Now you know why the imperials are evacuating Thyferra. Make your way to their main landing area and stop all their evacuation ships. If you achieve victory the inbound imperial fleet wont have survivors reporting where your hidden base is that has their stolen supplies. (Empire)We have gained some knowledge that the rebels have discovered our plan to destroy Thyferra with the proto-type Death Star. We must get all our evacuation ships to the inbound fleet or they wont know where to look for the rebel base and our stolen supplies. Misc. -Again i did use jurrasic park -I did leave rancors in map -Some emp outpost's areas may not be finished(don't know why it keeps happening) -Sometimes it didnt load for me(don't know if its just my computer) -the (JEM) just means it was made by me If you have any thing you want me to ad or take out just send me an email at muphere@msn.com
This is another simple thyferra map I made and also the 1st in a series called the Fate Of Thyferra series. This takes place on different part of thyferra than my 1st map. I basically used the
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