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JohnnyB's Mappack

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-05-02 22:05:00
4 просмотра
Rebellion. As the name of the map suggests it is based at Twilight. The mountains in the map are well shaped and the author made a good effort at making the terrain dynamic. It would be nice to see a little more texture variation in some areas. Also the author might want consider using cliff props to cover up the stretched textures on the cliffs. Overall this is a good map and is worth a download. One Straight Shot- The linear style of this map forces you to go down one path and one path only, allowing both players to put their defenses up in the only place the enemy can advance to. This allows this desert valley to be anything but boring. This map allows for some tense conflicts over the mineral processors in the center of the map. This map however could use some more height and texture variation. Scattered- A map in deep space that has Imperial and Rebel forces scattered throughout the map. The map features random units spread across the map creating a battle for the players the instant they begin. Also spread around the map are nebulae and asteroids. This is a space map that will give you an entertaining battle.
JohnnyB's Mappack is a collection of skirmish maps created by JohnnyB. It features: Twilight- A large map with a landscape full of rivers, mountains and plateaus that pits the Empire against the
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