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Marpanthos IV

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-07-30 22:07:00
8 просмотров
can be used for your own projects if you credit Enceladus, Codeuser(see Read-me for specifics) and contact Enceladus by email. Any future projects by Enceladus will always be available in the EAW and more members only section so check it out [url="http://eawandmore.com/forums "]here[/url]. If you open the map in the editor or the game and the water is green make sure the shader is in the data/art/shaders folder. The map editor has this weird bug where it deletes newly added shaders. You may have to extract your shaders or take them from the source files and throw them in you Shader file(plus throw in the shader) this helps. Post if problems persis, if using mods throw the shader in the mods shader folder. Enjoy the map.
Marpanthos IV is a space map based over water and islands. This map is the first of its kind that has been released. It includes water and island models, a new skydome and some XML's. Also the files
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