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[DS]: Half-Life Server

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Empire at War
Nebula Stand-Off (EAW)

Nebula Stand-Off (EAW)

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-04-14 22:04:00
6 просмотров
zombie panic source seemed to fun. Anyways, This map is called Nebula Stand off, because It is basicaly a large scale battle between 2 space station's (yes, that means more than 3 on each side) against one another. However between the two space stations, there is a huge nebula field. I have liberaly given you resource pads (10 I think) and a good number of buildable turret spots, although, I higly doubt you will need any money considering that you start off with all the cruisers you need, and they are constantly being produced during the battle, for free. Yes, I know this map is only for two players, and that is because when giving units to start out with, you cannot divide them evenly amongst all the players, and therefore only player 1 (the person that joined the game first for both teams) will be able to control the fleet, and you will not. It is ultimate chaos sometimes, and I do warn you, it MAY lag sometimes due to the amount of units and shots being fired. It is a pretty small file though, and would be alot of fun with a friend (or foe) online, or even by yourself if you want. It is a very hard map to beat, because you have to keep attacking the other team with units constantly while they get renforcments constantly. I highly doubt this will work well with full enemy elimination, but you could try it. Sorry for the lack of good screenshots, but I must say, it is one of my better maps I have made. Anyways, enough with the talking and onto the show! Hope you enjoy!
Bubbleteatroopa has created a new map for all of us to enjoy: Nebula Stand-Off. Hey, I have not made a map in a while, since before filefront went down, mostly because I had no ides for a map, and
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