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Empire at War
Outer Rim Sieges Map Pack

Outer Rim Sieges Map Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-11-08 23:11:00
6 просмотров
the Tarabba Sector in the Outer Rim Territories. Homeworld to the Pau\'ans and the Utai, more commonly referred to as \"Utapauns\". Utapau Sinkhole - An Imperial Mining Facility/Slave Yard. After the destruction of General Grievous during the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire enslaved the inhabitants of this sinkhole and now having a mining operation up and running. Mon Calamari: Mon Calamari, or simply \"Dac\" by the locals, is a planet in the Calamari System of the Calamari Sector, located in the Outer Rim Territories. Mon Calamari was home to the Quarren and the Mon Calamari. Barrier Reef - A Mon Calamari shipyard has been constructed around a barrier reef. Whoever takes the shipyard will have a slight advantage. Ord Cestus: Ord Cestus, also known simply as Cestus, was a planet home to the native species, the \"X\'ting\". The planet\'s terrain was mainly an arid, red desert with many mountain ranges, such as the Dashta Mountains. Dashta Mountains - With only one route to your enemy, this will be a hard fight. Control the hill and you will dominate. Mountain base has extra defenses, while the lower base has a shield generator. Space: Geonosis: Capital Ships and Frigates will have a harder time in this map, asteroids are everywhere. Guide your fleets through the belt to take down your enemy! Mon Calamari: A large nebula cuts off both bases, will you risk flying through the nebula, or will you take the longer, safer way around it?
This map pack contains 5 maps which are all located in the Outer Rim Territories. These are for Forces of Corruption. Land: Utapau: Utapau was an arid sinkhole world in the Utapau system of
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