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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Raining Debris

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-06-22 22:06:00
6 просмотров
quite a few debris props to reflect the aftermath of a battle. Darth_Nick has done an excellent job of putting props at different angles and vertical heights. The map is also well balanced and does not overuse mines and turret pads. The Orbital Construction yard in the top right hand corner of the map allows for a slight tactical advantage. Careful spending will ensure victory on this map. My only criticism is that the bottom left hand corner of the map seems to be lacking any significant objects such as a sensor array or cluster of mines. If you want to have a fun skirmish game on a map that is nice to look at while playing then download this map.
Raining Debris (2.0) is a space skirmish map created by Darth_Nick situated in the remains of a large and destructive battle over Aeten II. As reflecting the style of his previous map there are
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