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Empire at War
(SD)darthexecutor Hoth map FOC

(SD)darthexecutor Hoth map FOC

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-04-11 22:04:00
4 просмотра
made. Every one of them has good and bad qualities, but they're like my children and I love them all. This is a very fun map with plenty of action. Some of you have seen/played the previous version of this map, so here's my review of that:[quote]Not only is it visually pleasing, but the base placement and starting units are done very well. This one has a bit more of a movie feel because there are no AT-AA's, just units that were seen in The Empire Strikes Back. Not that you can't build those units, but I find it more fun to play in a style more reminiscent of the movies and previous LucasArts titles (ie. Rogue Squadron, Shadows of the Empire, Battlefront).[/quote] The new version has a couple of tweaks that work for balance and some visual changes that add to the feel. [quote]Hi, here is the second version of the map of hoth here are more effects in the nature and i add a heavy vehicle factory for the rebellion enjot this map :D[/quote] the_stag
For every map that has been made of Hoth, there is a different outlook on how it went. Even from the perspective of Lucasarts you find a different look for the battle in every video game they have
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