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Skirmish Map

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-05-11 22:05:00
2 просмотра
time. The empire has sent out a small convoy to check up on a remote location on Tatooine, but never returned. A few weeks later, a scout ship picked up a distress beacon coming from the planet, but the beacon was silenced shortly after. Word of the beacon reached the Emperor and he dispatched a fleet to the planet. Immediately after the fleet arrived, however, a Rebel Ion Cannon fired and disabled three acclamators which were then pulled into the planet since they had jumped out of hyperspace too close to the planet. Once the canon had opened fire, a Rebel base shield was detected as it activated and cover a portion of the planet. The rest of the fleet landed in a remote location and began to gather intel about their surroundings. In a little while, scouts returned and reported that they had stumbled across a Rebel training facility that had only been rumors weeks before. Since then, days have gone by as the Empire stocks up on vehicles and personnel while the Rebels anxiously await the battle that is sure to come...
Okay, so this is the first map that I\'ve made in a long while, but it is also the first map that I have posted ever. Post any comments that you have so I can adjust the map later when I have
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