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Space Lanes v1.2

Добавил: The DSystem
2012-02-13 23:02:00
8 просмотров
on it and 3 pirate asteroid bases. the pirates control a heavy line of defense that stretches along the center of the map. The pirates have 2 E3 Star Destroyers (Huge destroyers with extremely heavy weaponry and tough-to-beat shields) that are surrounded by asteroids, pirate fighters, and anti-fighter corvettes. If you play as the Republic, you start out with 1 space station (as always...), 2 frigates docked inside the space station\'s hangars, 2 Acclamator frigates, 1 Carrack cruiser, and a Hutt asteroid space station with hidden surprises on top and inside.... If you play as the CIS, you have 1 space station, 3 Droid Carriers (2 are attacking the Republic Hutt Space Station, 1 Munificent Frigate, and 1 Recusant Battleship. Eliminate all pirates and enemy forces to claim victory! ( Feel free to edit the map in the FOC map editor, just let me know if you plan to incorporate it into a Mod that you might release for public use! )
If you\'ve played Space Lanes v1.1, you should know the map pretty well. For new players, the Republic at War mod is needed to play this map (link in readme). The map has many large asteroid fields
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