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Tantive IV

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-12-23 23:12:00
3 просмотра
considerable improvement from the earlier renditions. The ground outside the ship decks is now invisible and there is a space skydome placed on the map. More props can be seen inside the ship, though there's is just the one texture inside the ship. Several fighters were placed outside of the Tantive IV in order to give it a space battle feel, but since those are static, it just feels fake. On the other hand, the exterior of the ship has been given more detail, which might please some players. Although there are a few visual flaws, the gameplay is still working and can be quite fun. Give this map a try if you ever wanted to have an indoor ship battle!
Tantive IV is a newer version of the old map for Empire at War. Like the previous version, this map is not for Forces of Corruption. Bly's latest version of his Tantive IV map has shown
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