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Empire at War
Taris- Aftermath of Decimation

Taris- Aftermath of Decimation

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-01-05 23:01:00
6 просмотров
Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. However, the map doesn't reflect that fact visually. Rather than having a scorched wasteland with rubble, this map is just a desert. Not any desert either. This desert has a small oasis to the northwest and several Sarlacc pits that glow green to the southeast. Call me a stickler for tradition and canon, but this map doesn't really fit Star Wars or sensibility. The creator would be better off adding black scorchmarks and some destroyed buildings and rubble. Right now, it's a relatively flat desert with little texture variation and the default clouds. Flat maps usually aren't very fun, so the creator might want to edit that part of the map. Moving on, the map has the base structures grouped around shield generators in several areas. Turbolaser towers are in virtually every single shield bubble, making it hard to accomplish anything once the shields have been upgraded. There is only one reinforcement point per side, making expansion useless since the mines are all close to home. The premise of the map shows some promise, but the execution needs improvement. With enough edits, this map could actually turn out to be a very aesthetically pleasing one that offers great gameplay.
Taris- Aftermath of Decimation is a ground skirmish map for Forces of Corruption by CGIndustries. The map takes place after Taris was bombarded by Admiral Saul and the Leviathan in the game Star
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