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Terra Aquilis

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-01-05 23:01:00
6 просмотров
changes: [quote]I'm lovin' the large map. However, writing a review for something so big is a daunting task, so this is going to be on the shorter side. Custom props and effects are bringing me new years joy as well. The blurry spinney thing just north of the center is pretty awesome, even if it sends me into seizures. Everything on this map is well done and brings you into this idea. If you like big maps, then you need this.[/quote] [quote]First off, I must state that this map is BIG. And I mean BIG. But don't fret for your units, the trees take up most of the map, so you won't die from boredum, waiting for your units to cross the expanse. Secondly, yes, there probably are some bugs, if found report them. Finally, this map uses high amounts of props and particles, so if your computer isn't fit for 2367+ props, mostly trees, but still; then the map may not be suitable for you. I ran it fine, but I have found that this isn't the case with everyone. In 0 BBY, the Empire had discovered that Dagobah was a terraforming project gone wild. They searched for the device, but never the less, did not find it. The Alliance had already establish a search camp and they, too, were looking for the device. The Emperor wished to modify the device, and use it to render rebellious worlds uninhabitable. Mon Mothma planned on fixing the device, and copying it to repair the worlds left devasted by war, and to bring peace to over-industrialized worlds. Sadly, the device was not found on Dagobah, so the race was on. The Empire had located the device on a nearby planet in the system, unknown to most of the galaxy. The Alliance was able to place a tracking device on one of the Star Destroyers, and soon arrived on the planet aswell. To both parties dismay, the device was larger than expected. It was found to be over 1900 feet tall, and the device seemed to still be active. Another building was found, aged by time, and it seemed to be tempering the effects of the device. This planet, now named "Terra Aquilis" was a drastic change from Dagobah. There were many lakes, and millions of acres of forests, but the planet echoed with the emptyness of a now extinct civilization. Ruins are scattered about, life is flourishing. Now the fate of Terra Aquilis, and the entire galaxy, lies in balance. Will the evil Empire obtain control and devastate worlds? Or will the noble Alliance gain control and use the device to mend those worlds that have met unfortunate ends? You decide.[/quote] the_stag
Since the first version of this didn't upload right according to the author, this is just the proper version with all the textures and no bugs. So here's my original review compensating for those
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