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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Empire at War
The Battle of the Rebels

The Battle of the Rebels

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-01-10 23:01:00
7 просмотров
texturing is poor. I counted 5 textures on the map, and all were applied with a large brush, making it look very unrealistic. The cliffs have not been painted with a cliff texture and are the standard temperate grass, like most of the map. The markers are done in the EaW fashion, and whilst this works to an extent in FoC, it has no Consortium support. Prop-wise, this map is not overly appealing. In some places props are used nicely, such as the forested area. However, the Naboo city like area, is not. Most of the buildings are unrotated and thus face the wrong way, making them look odd. Generally in life buildings have their doors face the street. The acclamator crash prop has been used randomly in the water, which frankly looks odd because of the number of them. If it was just one it wouldn't look weird. The author has given the Empire four Imperial Shuttle landing props, and notes this in the description he gave us. I am not sure whether the author realizes this is not a land unit, or is just noting the fact that he has added the prop to the map. Also the Empire has four force adepts, seen in the FoC story mode. The author has used impassable as the passability setting on the cliffs, making flying units move odd. Cliffs should have the steep passibility. Also, the readme appears to be a merge of two readmes, so only half of it is relevent. The author should make sure the readme is accurate and correct. I can say this map does have potential, but has a lot of issues that need to be addressed. It still might make for some interesting games, so download if you wish.
Wargtv brings us an "interesting" map entitled "The Battle of the Rebels". According to the author, this map is for FoC. Looking at the map, I honestly see very little that is above average. The
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