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The Dead Planet

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-10-15 22:10:00
8 просмотров
better"? Well, while you and I were sitting in our comfy desk chairs wishing, Geroenimo was sitting in this overlord throne making our wishes into reality. Thank you Oh Gracious One for shining thy countenance upon us. And the map is good too. Check out the history of this planet. [quote]This is my map of a rather icy planet. Arcus III hasn´t seen battle in hundreds of years, now with the recent discovery of precious metals in the planets natural crust the fighting begins. The map is large and has plenty of money and defences. Not much to say exept that the ships are not in the map, they are from my mod old republic at war. The credits: The map and nebula are mine, starfields belong to DR_McCoy credit goes to him. A thanks on my part to burnstrobe for his nebula tutorial, which I used to make the nebula.[/quote] the_stag
Were you like me earlier this week, saying to youself: " Boy, [file="117052"]Burntstrobes Space Nebula Tutorial[/file] has some sweet nebulae! I wish I had some of those make my EaW experience
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