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Empire at War
The Forces Of Earth Map Pack

The Forces Of Earth Map Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-04-05 22:04:00
4 просмотра
The space map features a Rebel and an Imperial base set in relatively close proximity to a giant pirate base that contains multiple ships and turrets. This pirate base is the U.S. army according to the author. This map features multiple mines for resource collecting however turrets are not placed in oppurtune positions for defense around the Rebel and Imperial bases. While this map does not have the best layout it will make for a fun game. The land map again features a Rebel and an Imperial base in relatively close proximity to a giant "U.S. Army" base. This map also has an area set aside for pure resource gathering. If you control this area then it is highly likely you will win. This map features extremely strong base defenses for each bases. This map is not extremely aesthetically pleasing due to the basic texturing, lack of props and almost no use of the height tool. There appears to be an underground base at one point however since a passability brush was not used around it the enemy can simply walk in from all sides. If these maps sound interesting then give them a download.
The Forces Of Earth Map Pack is a set of a land and space skirmish map created by RPsidious71549. The space map[ is set to take above the surface of Earth while the land map is on the Earth surface.
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