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Urban Islands 4

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-12-23 23:12:00
4 просмотра
players. One starts in the north, and the other two start in the south. There are lots of capturable bases and cool features to look out for, such as a Zoo and a large monument. The native forces have a base on the planet that is well defended with turrets. The first thing I noticed about this map is that it is a bit cluttered. However, whilst this would normally be a bad thing, it works exceptionally well here, and helps to create a realistic city feel. The small passageways can also make for interesting tactics online. The bridges between the islands provides multiple choke points perfect for springing a trap. While most city maps tend to get repetitive after a while, here the combination of props used creates a believable depiction of the true variance of a city. The amount of detail that is on this map is astounding, and it causes minimal lag too. The only criticism I can give for this map is that the positioning of the props sometimes makes it hard to select units. All I can say is that this is an excellent map. I love it. This is definitely worth the download. So do it now, for a great map.
Here we have an absolutely amazing map by Psychoduck. Urban Islands is exactly how its sounds. It is a temperate/urban city on a series of small islands. It is a large map, with room for three
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