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[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Wampas Vs. Ewoks

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-01-03 23:01:00
4 просмотра
and Ewok-rebels there is also a savage wampa that lives in the mountian and eats everything. Story: Following the Battle of Endor some Ewoks form a colony on the ice world of Hoth however some Imperials used mind-control on the Wampas and made them attack the Ewoks! Who will Prevail!!!???[/quote] My first though was: "Ewoks wouldn't be able to take on Wampas". Then I remembered their effectiveness against the Imperial forces on Endor. Makes enough sense to me. It's a snowy frozen wasteland that allows very little in the way of sight. A throng of Ewoks in one corner, a plethora of Wampas in the other corner, and a bloody battle to the death waiting somewhere in the snow. It's a short map, but something fun to do with free time. At least it's a rather unique idea. the_stag
[quote]My second Map (note: This map was made back in JUNE when i first got the FOC gold pack after Death of the Gungans. I AM NOT A NEW MAPPER!!!) anyways this map consists of two bases Wampa-empire
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