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War on Alzoc 3

Добавил: The DSystem
2011-07-02 22:07:00
6 просмотров
crossing into some areass. The texturing of the map is tad bland however and the map itself can be quite flat in some areas. [Quote]Hi everybody this is my first land map I\'m publishing on filefront and it\'s called \'War on Alzoc 3\'. It was actually meant for my new mod I\'m working on but I wanted to publish this map on the site. The map has 3 bases hidden in the mountains and are well defended with several turbolaser towers. You\'ll also need repulserlift and airial vechiles to scout the entire map because there are various ice rivers preventing your normal units reaching several spots on the map. There are also several ingenious units on the map such as tauntauns. And the best part of the map is a Venator hovering above the map.[/Quote]
This is megavin123\'s first map that he is publishing on FileFront. this map is an arctic map based on the planet of Alzoc 3. The map has a neat layout that uses ice rivers to prevent some units from
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