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X-Mas Wars

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-12-23 23:12:00
5 просмотров
(Ignoring the fact that you can switch teams and positions) Visually, this map isn't mind-blowing, but it's decent in usage of the height tool, textures on the hills, and most of the prop placement. Wargtv could've used some more textures in the valley area, because the texturing there seems very repetitive from afar. Rancors and wampas were placed in certain locations in order to make early game expansion more difficult for each team. There are some annoyances, like the back of a mountain being invisible or the lack of a unique texture under the trees, but these have no gameplay ramifications. This map offers enjoyable gameplay in a medicore environment, but it would still be a good download for hardcore FoC players.
X-Mas Wars is a map for Forces of Corruption by wargtv. The premise behind this map is that the Empire is attempting to destroy the celebration of Christmas, and that the Rebels are defending it.
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